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Are you ready to unleash your creativity and tell a compelling story? Then NanaWoody&John invites you to participate in the "Eyes Never Lie" writing competition.

Eyes are the windows to the soul, they can laugh, cry, breathe fire, seduce, speak, 'kill' and much more that we like to leave to your imagination.

Write an original story of up to 10,000 words that revolves around the theme 'Eyes Never Lie'. A romance, a thriller, a psychological drama, science fiction or a passionate love story….

Closing date: 30-09-2023
Email to:

State your name and how we can reach you

An expert jury chooses a top 3 from all entries. The winner receives the NanaWoody&John Award + 1,000 euros. The number 2 will receive 500 euros and the number 3 will receive 250 euros.

The condition is that we may publish your story on our website or in another form.

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a wonderful writing adventure. Sharpen your pens and keyboards and embark on a journey where "Eyes Never Lie."


Happy Writing!

We look forward to your submissions!

About NanaWoody&John

NanaWoody&John is your guide when you are looking for beautiful glasses or sunglasses, the best lenses or contact lenses or just a very good optician in your area.

The specialists in our partner stores work with eyes every day and are the experts par excellence. They too know better than anyone that eyes never lie.

You can also find the invitation to participate in this competition at